
Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης – Εξυπηρέτησης Φοιτητών και Νέων Αποφοίτων ΕΜΠ


9ο Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue, μια εκδήλωση για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη του κλάδου των πρώτων υλών στην Ελλάδα

Το EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece ανακοινώνει το 9ο Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue, μια εκδήλωση που υποστηρίζεται από το EIT RawMaterials.

Η εκδήλωση απευθύνεται σε όλα τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη που εμπλέκονται στη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη του κλάδου των πρώτων υλών στην Ελλάδα.

Περισσότερα στο κείμενο που ακολουθεί:

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The EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece is excited to announce the 9th edition of the Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue, a flagship event inspired and supported by the EIT RawMaterials.
The 9th Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue is addressed to all stakeholders involved in the sustainable development of the raw materials sector in Greece, underlining the critical role of policymakers, producers, and manufacturers.
This year, the Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will take place on 20 November 2024 at the Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece, addressing the topic “Towards the dynamic implementation of the Critical Raw Materials Act”.
The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), the cornerstone of the EU’s strategy to enhance raw materials capacities, stands as a strategic response to the escalating global demand for Critical Raw Materials essential for the EU’s green and digital transitions. The CRM Act guides the EU towards effectively managing the challenges faced by global Critical and Strategic Raw Materials markets by pursuing diversification of resources, improving domestic production, and enhancing recycling capabilities.
Aiming to highlight the Act’s importance for the Greek raw materials sector, the event will be organised along five sessions:
Session 1: Initiatives for the sustainability and resilience of the Raw Materials sector
Under the recently published CRMA, the European Commission intends to ensure that raw material supplies are not only secure, but also obtained through sustainable practices, ultimately contributing to the EU’s twin transition and long-term prosperity. This session aims to emphasize the main pillars of the CRMA, including the Development of the CRM value chain in the EU, Boosting the diversification of supply and partnering in a mutually beneficial manner in support of global production, and Fostering sustainable sourcing and promoting circularity. Risks and challenges encountered in the implementation of the CRMA will be analysed. Key aspects to be explored include the investment potential and the impact of the Greek raw materials industry on strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of the EU raw material supply chains.
Session 2: The need to innovate and the conditions to implement – Bridging the gap
Innovation in the area of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials is of paramount importance for the EU due to the increasing demand for these resources, the geopolitical risks related to their supply, and their essential role in high-tech industries, renewable energy, and defense. However, the successful implementation of innovations requires a supportive ecosystem, including sufficient funding, appropriate regulatory frameworks, skilled scientific and technical workforce and collaboration between academia, industry, and governments. The objective of this session is to highlight the challenges related to bridging the gap between the development of technological innovation and its transfer and full-scale application. The session will focus on the innovation dynamics of the Greek raw materials sector, pathways for innovation commercialisation and creation and support of business opportunities.
Session 3: Funding opportunities in the Raw Materials sector
The EU raw materials industry offers significant investment potential, making it an attractive opportunity for stakeholders interested in future-secured ventures driven by the growing demand for sustainable and resilient supply chains. In parallel, realizing these funding opportunities requires addressing key challenges, including regulatory barriers, technological gaps, and the need for transparent practices. The session will highlight the need to secure financial support and increase investments to mobilise business cases on sustainable mining, metallurgical and recycling practices of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials. By delving into the industry’s current landscape and future scenarios, the session will provide important insights related to the economic growth of the raw materials sector, ensuring the EU’s long-term stability and prosperity.
Session 4: Education for strengthening the public acceptance of the Raw Materials industry
Wider Society Learning, Innovative and Engaging HEI Education, Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement all play a pivotal role in securing a social license to operate (SLO) and enhancing the public acceptance of the raw materials sector. The CRMA recognizes this need by establishing a skills partnership and a Raw Materials Academy to provide ongoing education and equip the young graduates and workforce with the necessary skills. By promoting transparency and informed dialogue with the stakeholders, these educational efforts build community trust and facilitate the permitting procedures, which often present significant challenges for the industry. This session aims to discuss the link between education, transparent practices, and community engagement and demonstrate how educational programs can collectively contribute to a more positive public perception and effective regulatory processes in the raw materials sector.
Session 5: Joining the Raw Materials industry – Impressions and perspectives shared by young professionals
Young professionals who have recently joined the raw materials industry often express a sense of excitement and optimism about the sector’s potential to drive global progress, particularly in sustainability and technological advancement. This generation is also highly motivated by the idea of making a tangible impact, seeking roles where they can contribute to sustainable and ethical resource management. At the same time, they acknowledge the complexities and challenges within the raw materials sector, including concerns over environmental issues, social responsibility, and the industry’s legacy on local communities. The aim of this session is to organise a dialogue between young professionals for them to present their expectations and first impressions after joining the raw materials industry, and well-established executives of the sector who will communicate their experience and lessons learned to the new generation.
Poster Session: Education and innovation meet the industry
This session aims to bring together a diverse array of innovative projects funded by the European Commission, EIT RawMaterials, and other national sources to showcase and discuss their contributions to the raw materials sector. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the key pillars of the CRMA, present achievements, exchange innovative ideas, and discuss best practices. The session will serve as a platform for fostering collaboration and networking between start-uppers, innovators, and key players in the raw materials industry, encouraging new partnerships and initiatives that align with the goals of supply diversification, sustainability, resilience, and technological advancement. By highlighting the synergy of education, innovation, and industry needs, this poster session will emphasize the importance of continuous learning and innovative approaches in the dynamic development and sustainability of the raw materials sector. 


Stay tuned for the agenda announcement!Registration will open in the coming days!

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